Class ProjectMeta


  • ProjectMetaInterface
    • ProjectMeta


  • Returns ProjectMeta


description?: string

extended description of the project.

discord_url?: string

link to the project discord.

donation_address?: string

address where donations are sent

epic_game_url?: string

epic game url used for epic auth & services

external_url?: string

link to the project website.

gallery?: GalleryMetaInterface[]

videos and graphics of the project

image?: string

project image used for profile pic

is_hyperplay_exclusive?: boolean

true/false for if a game is only published on HyperPlay

launch_epic?: boolean

launch epic

launch_external?: boolean

launch project from external_url

main_capsule?: string

main project image used for discovery

name?: string

project friendly name

networks?: NetworkMeta[]

supported networks for smart contracts

prompt_donation?: boolean

whether to prompt for donation

repository?: string

repository used for deployments

short_description?: string

short description of the project.

systemRequirements?: SystemRequirements

hardware requirements

tags?: string[]

tags used for searching and categorization

twitter_url?: string

link to the project twitter.

type?: string

type used by clients to handle project

uses_overlay?: boolean

true/false for uses HyperPlay overlay

wineSupport?: WineSupport

supported compatibility layers (wine)

youtube_url?: string

link to the project youtube.

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